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 20130422《靜思妙蓮華》王舍城的由來 (一)

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• 住無所住無處不住
• 佛陀真如本性,是無處不住,佛說法的地方,就是最莊嚴的道場,就是成長慧命的地方。
• 佛陀的法身是永恆的,無生無滅,所以佛的慧命是常住。

• 靈山在那裡呢?人間的事相,是在印度。
• 佛陀說法《妙法蓮華經》,只要我們用真如本性體會,靈山當時的說法,和我們 現在的心境是一樣;心境環境合一,人人都向我們自己說法。
• 佛在靈山莫遠求,靈山只在汝心頭。

• 五、處成就
• 佛為了要適應人間,要講人間事,人間的事,就有能、所,所以現在說的「住」,能住,住所住。
• 王舍城

• 梵語的名稱叫做羅閱衹伽羅;王舍城的國名,叫做摩竭陀,翻譯「不害」。意思就是,這個國家很祥和沒有刑殺。
• 國王仁慈,人民善良,這個國家沒有殺、盜,種種不法的事;所以這個國家,以國王的名字「摩竭提」來稱國號。
• 摩竭提的兒子,腳底有斑痕,有駁痕,所以人人給他稱名為「駁足」。
• 駁足王很聰明,性情暴躁,喜愛吃肉。
• 有一段時間忽然間缺肉,廚師找不到肉可以供應;就把往生的孩子的肉,拿來 廚房料理。
• 駁足王覺得很好吃,交代廚房,以後每天都要用這種肉類來供應我。
• 廚房就開始,每一天到外面去抓孩子來處理。

• 這個消息,使全國人民很惶恐,也觸怒了周圍的國家。
• 千王共同聚會,共謀要討伐這個國家。
• 駁足王,逃到靈鷲山,靈鷲山是當時印度人往生後天喪的地方。
• 駁足王,就和這些山神約定,假如能留一命在,會去抓一千位國王來祭祀山神。
• 不多久的時間,就已經抓到九百九十九位國王;第一百位國王很特殊,抓來時一直哭。
• 說法處應有大因緣
• 說大法,一定有大因緣;因緣,因為有大福德,靈應具會,才能讓聖法流傳,蔭庇後代的人。
• 駁足鬼王,利用羅剎的力量來抓千王,最後一位叫做普明王。
• 普明王信仰佛法,是一位仁王,話出口 一定信受奉行。
• 他哭的原因是心悲;第一悲,千王生命在旦夕;第二悲是他的信將喪失;他已經定下要為他的國家,做一個無遮法會,開國庫普施,就是布施大會;還沒做就被抓來了,對人民失信,因而心悲。
守信 從容赴死
• 駁足鬼王心中存疑,想要試探他,所以放普明王回去,約定三天時間,會準時回來。
• 普明王回國宣告,讓大家接受無遮法會;並集合太子及國家大臣,說明將國政交給太子,希望大臣,來擁護太子,施仁政,疼惜國民,照顧國民的生活。
• 在三天內,真的是回到靈鷲山,他的神色輕安自在,喜悅在他的臉上。

• 駁足王問他:「要赴死的人,為什麼這麼高興呢?」
• 普明王的心,就是感恩,第一感恩得遇聖法,聖法入心;再來感恩鬼王,願意給時間,讓他完成「信」。
• 鬼王問:「你內心所受的法是什麼?」
• 普明王就要求,九十九位小國王,都一起來聽,他分享:「已經覺悟的聖者,所說的教法,就是慈、悲、喜、捨。」
慈悲喜捨 真實法性
• 無緣大慈,同體大悲。
• 慈悲用在行動中,做了之後,那分的輕安,那分的喜悅,捨掉了煩惱。
• 心中沒有煩惱、沒有掛礙,捨了一切的 煩惱,內心不管什麼時候,都是法喜,法喜、禪悅,禪悅就是定,不受外面什麼樣的環境,來影響我的心。
• 生老病死苦,時間如果到了,不管是富有、貧窮,不管是位高、貧賤,總是歸盡。
• 成、住、壞、空,天地萬物沒有一樣是永住,這真實的法性,何必計較生命的長短。

• 駁足鬼王,也是大根機、大權示現的人,他聽了以後,證初地(菩薩地),內心完全開解,滿心歡喜,解開心結,暴惡、抱怨、埋怨的心開解了。
• 他就提議,不殺千王,大家共成一家, 等同是兄弟。
• 已向羅剎夜叉說過,千王來祭祀,要對他們有個交代;普明王獻智慧,千王每人一滴血,三根頭髮,合起來叫做髮膚血肉,來祭祀山神。

大愛啟悲智 暴虐成菩提
• 以如是無私大愛
• 如是就是真實,如是大慈大悲,如是誠正信實,無私的心付出大愛,人人若能真誠信守,自然我們就能化解暴虐。
• 虔誠在內心,正行在外,正行殷實,言行合一,方能說服暴虐的心,調伏惡念無明。
• 千王共同一念心,法才是永恆,大家約好來靈鷲山修行。
• 千國的人民,有的人也願意,跟著國王來這個地方建舍。
• 不知道為什麼,有七次火災,都是一般的民眾的房子,唯獨王所蓋的房子,都沒有被燒到;大家就向王請求,凡是來到這裡建房子,都可以讓它叫做王舍。
• 千王共聚一處,深入佛法,那分心的平靜,階級都平等,所以應允。
• 「舍」字,是一王「赦」千王;千王允許所有的百姓,在這個地方建立家園。
• 舍衛國裡面的一個城;這個城在群山裡面,有五座山合起來,這座山還有一個通稱叫做耆闍崛,我們譯為靈鷲。
• 傳說中,印度的風俗,人若往生就是用 天葬,往生了就抬到尸陀林,不管是日曬或雨淋,讓它很自然的腐化,很多鷲鳥都會,吃這些屍體的肉;因此叫做靈鷲山。
• 這個地方,也是佛講經最多的地方,所以這個地方稱為靈山。
• 靈山只在汝心頭,我們要好好去找出我們心中的靈山。
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文章總數 : 968
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注冊日期 : 2009-04-25

20130422《靜思妙蓮華》王舍城的由來 (一)  Empty
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Explanations by Master Cheng-Yan
Subject: Origin of City of the House of Kings (1) (王舍城的由來一)
Date: April. 22, 2013

He is non-abiding; He abides in all places. The place He expounds the Dharma is a dignified place of spiritual practice. His eternal Dharma-body and wisdom-life are ever-abiding. The Buddha is at the Vulture Peak in our hearts.

We need to understand that in the state of Buddhahood, He is non-abiding yet He abides in all places. As I often say, [the natures of] the mind, Buddhas, sentient beings do not differ. The Buddha’s Tathagata-nature abides in all places. The place where He expounds Dharma is the most dignified training ground. Regardless of which sutra we read, it starts by describing the place where the Buddha taught as a dignified spiritual training ground. This is especially so for the one at Vulture Peak. A place where the Dharma is expounded is a place to develop and increase wisdom-life. So, “His eternal Dharma-body and wisdom-life is ever-abiding.” His Dharma-body is eternal; it does not arise nor cease. Therefore the Buddha’s wisdom-life is ever-abiding. As I often say to you all, we need to continuously develop our wisdom-Life. We all intrinsically have wisdom-life, but it is covered by ignorance. We learn Buddhism to eliminate ignorance. By eliminating a bit of ignorance, we develop a bit of wisdom-life. “Do not go far to seek Buddha at Vulture Peak; Vulture Peak is in our hearts”. This is a verse known to us all. Indeed, where is Vulture Peak? Is it in India? In the worldly sense, yes, it is in India. But, if we mindfully listen to the Buddha’s teaching of the Lotus Sutra and comprehend our intrinsic nature of True Suchness, then the state of our mind should be identical to that of Vulture Peak when the Dharma was taught. Between this state of mind and the actual place, as long as we mindfully comprehend it, the mindset and environment are one. So, everyone has this intrinsic Tathagata-nature. Our true Tathagata-nature is forever expounding Dharma to us. “Do not go far to seek Buddha at Vulture Peak”. Do not think about looking far away. “Vulture Peak is in your hearts”.

5. Fulfillment of Place
At Vulture Peak near City of the House of Kings is the place where the one who abides. The Buddha is the one who abides. The place to abide is the world of endurance.

Of the Six Fulfillments in expounding sutras, this is the fifth fulfillment, the place where the Buddha dwells and expounds Dharma. If not for this place, where would He have spoken? So such a place was necessary. Where was this place? At Vulture Peak near the city of Rajagrha. That was where the Lotus Sutra was expounded. That was the place where the Buddha taught. Now I will explain the name of this place, “Vulture Peak near the city of Rajagrha,” and where it came from.
When we drink water we think of the source, so when we hear of this place, we need to know the origins of its name.
I will first explain the word “abide”.To accommodate those in the human realm, the Buddha spoke of worldly matters.In the workings of these matters, there is always a subject and an object.
So when we speak of abiding, there are subjects who abide and objects in which they abide.
What are “the subjects who abide”?People who are able to abide.Who can abide in this place?
I can abide, you can abide, who else can abide?The subjects, those with the ability to do so, such as I, a person.I can abide here, therefore “I” am the subject.We, as subjects, also have the ability to be here.So at that moment, the Buddha’s travels brought him to this place.It happened to be very suitable, and the capabilities of sentient beings were ready.[So] the Buddha could abide in this place to expound sutras to many people.So He was the subject; one who could abide.Vulture Peak is “the object in which they abide”.The place where the Buddha expounded the Dharma is the object.There is a subject and an object.I am able to use this object.This object is used by me, the subject.In the workings of worldly Dharma, there is always a subject and an object.
The city of Rajajgrha is “the place where the one who abides abides”.The Buddha is the host of those who can abide.The Buddha was part of a large group of people, yet the group could not exist without Him.Therefore He was the host because He was expounding this sutra in this place.
Of this large group of people, only the one who was expounding the sutra could not be absent.
Therefore the Buddha was the one who abides.The place to abide was the world of endurance.
The world of endurance refers to the Saha World, so this world is one that needs to be endured.
Every Buddhist knows that the Saha World is also known as the world of endurance.Living in this world is painful; there tends to be more suffering than not.So this is a world of endurance, a place we must endure.The Buddha is the one who abides.The place to abide is the world of endurance.
Why is the city of Rajagrha also called City of the House of Kings?I can explain further.Rajagrha is the Sanskrit name.That is its name in India.Translated, it is City of the House of Kings.This place is also considered a kingdom, which has another name.The name of the kingdom is Magadha.
Translated into Chinese, it means “no harm”.This means that this country was very harmonious because there was no capital punishment here.The king was very benevolent and kind, and the people he led were very good and gentle.No one broke the law, so the kingdom did not execute any punishments.Therefore this country was a very and peaceful kingdom.So this city had another name, Magadna.
Magadna was the name of a king, which refers to the benevolence of the king and the goodness of the people.There was no killing or theft, or any illegal acts in this country.So this country was named after its king.This king later had a son.Because he had markings at the bottom of his foot, people called him “Marked-Foot”.

City of the House of the kings is called Rajagrha in Sansjrit City of the House of the Kings is also called the Kingdom of Magadha. Mahadha means “no harm.” There was no punishment or killing in this kingdom. The kingdom was also called Magadhi, or Devala, and was also the name of a king. This king was the father of Marked-Foot.

Crown Prince Marked-Foot was very intelligent.He only had one interest; he craved meat, and he had to eat a lot of meat each day. His temperament was violent and heated. But the king only had this one son, so when he was about to pass away, he abdicated his throne to the crown prince. The crown prince began to rule. He demanded that in every meat. So every day, the royal chef had to prepare many heaping dishes of meat for the king. Then suddenly there was a shortage of meat. The chef could not find any meat for the king. Then he saw a child who had passed away.
Since the child was already dead, he took the child’s flesh and prepared it in the kitchen as a dish. When King Marked-Foot tasted this meat, he found it very delicious. He had never had meat this wonderful. Therefor he issued this order to the kitchen staff: “From now on, you need to provide me with this kind of meat every day.”
The chef did not know how to handle this because this meat came from a human body. Now the kitchen [staff] had to go out every day and kidnap a child to prepare the king’s three daily meals, so that he would be very happy with his food. But this news started to make the people of the kingdom panic. No one knew whether their child would survive till the next day.Everyone parent was very worried. The king outraged the people in his country. This news then spread to neighboring kingdoms. In India in the past, many cities were considered kingdoms. All the neighboring kingdoms were also enraged. Not only were the citizens of his kingdom scared and enraged, the neighboring kingdoms were also angry. After a period of time passed, one thousand kings gathered and began to share the belief that this kingdom no longer deserved to exist. They decided to invade that kingdom. So many kingdoms laid siege to the king, and he fled to Vulture Peak.
At that time, in those mountains, there were many spirits and ghosts. This was because India had the custom that the decease could not be kept at home. Once a person passed away, they had to be carried outside and placed in an open space. So Vulture Peak was a place for what is called sky burial, it was a natural place for people to bring corpses.Because dead bodies were placed there, birds, especially vultures, would gather to eat the corpses. Everyone thought the place was filled with many ghosts and spirits. King Marked-foot was surrounded by his enemies. He managed to escape to this place but became trapped there.
There were many spirits haunting that mountain who wanted to capture and eat him. So this king negotiated with these mountain spirits, “If you are willing to spare my life, then I will collaborate with you all to capture these thousand kings for you.”
Because of their agreement, these mountain spirits supported King Marked-Foot as their leader. Consequently, he started the hunt. When he came across a king, he had these spirits capture him and bring him to the mountain. He decided to capture 1000 kings before sacrificing them all to the mountain spirits at once.
Before long they already captured 999 kings and gathered them in one place. They were one short. Eventually he found one more king. This king was very unusual [because] when he was captured, he would not stop crying. So King Marked-Foot asked him, “There are so many other captured kings here, why are you the one crying for being here? You truly lack courage.”He said, “I am not crying for myself. Indeed, there are many people here. With my capture, there are finally 1000 kings, so they will all be killed shortly. Other than this, there is still one very important thing I need to take care of. If you can give me three days to resolve this matter, I will certainly come back. I promise.”
King Marked-Foot wondered, “How could anything be more important than your own life?”
He thought to himself, “Even if you don’t come back after three days, I have ways to re-capture you.” So, they made an arrangement and this thousandth king was indeed released. The story that follows is truly touching. The name of the city, City of the House of kings, and how it was established is based on this thousand king.
Everyone, time passes so quickly. This is the way things are. We should know that all things can be fulfilled when caused and conditions come together. If these causes and conditions did not converge, this place would not have come into being. If this place did not exist, the Buddha would not have taught Dharma there, “He is non-abiding; He abides in all places.” This depends on causes and conditions and their convergence.
So, where is the Buddha? He is forever in our hearts. Regardless of how the story goes or how the place He expounded Dharma came to be, the most important thing is that our heart is the place where the Buddha will always expound the Dharma. Therefore, this wondrous, undefiled lotus in every person’s heart is the purest and most dignified place of practice. We need to look for Dharma deep within our minds. So, please always be mindful.

(Source: Da Ai TV - Wisdom at Dawn program – Explanation by Master Chen-Yen)
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