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 20180523願令五濁成淨土Spreading the Dharma for a Pure Land on Earth


文章總數 : 2528
威望 : 33
注冊日期 : 2012-11-03

20180523願令五濁成淨土Spreading the Dharma for a Pure Land on Earth Empty
發表主題: 20180523願令五濁成淨土Spreading the Dharma for a Pure Land on Earth   20180523願令五濁成淨土Spreading the Dharma for a Pure Land on Earth Empty周五 6月 01, 2018 3:27 am

20180523願令五濁成淨土Spreading the Dharma for a Pure Land on Earth

For countless eons of time, life after life, the Buddha conducted spiritual cultivation by unceasingly emulating the hearts of all Buddhas. Such is how the Buddha cultivated himself. Life after life, he vowed to walk the Bodhisattva Path by going amongst living beings to guide them and to form good karmic affinities with them. Only when he formed good karmic affinities with all living beings did he attain Buddhahood.

Even the Buddha needed to form countless good karmic affinities so that people would have faith in his teachings. That's why I often say that faith is the mother of all merits and virtues. We must cultivate ourselves and create merits, which in fact means sparing no efforts to cultivate virtues. We shouldn't create of receiving something in return. What's truly most important is to cultivate our hearts and minds.

Our body is a great hindrance in self-cultivation, as it's through our body that we do wrongs and create negative karma. Greed, anger, and ignorance defile our hearts and minds, and with such inner defilements, we give rise to unwholesome thoughts and do wrongs. Also, a slight deviation from correct faith can lead us to go far astray in life. Once we give rise to an unwholesome thought, we might stray far from the right path in life and do many wrongs which in turn create bad karma.

If we are superstitious or have attachments to anything other than correct faith, we'll give rise to many afflictions. Such is how our thoughts can determine our deeds, our direction in life, and so on.

"Sometimes I think that had I not been a heavy drinker, I'd probably be in good health now. Being addicted to alcohol before, I ruined my health. I wonder why I didn't have wisdom in the past. Day after day, I lost myself in alcohol without the idea of doing something useful ever crossing my mind. "

How we behave and perceive external conditions is determined by our thoughts. With deluded thoughts, we'll remain astray in life. So, we must find ways to cleanse away our afflictions.

"If I can regain my health, I'll certainly work hard to mend my past wrongs. Because fluids built up in my abdomen, I felt unwell. Since staying at home was of no help to my illness, my wife encouraged me to volunteer at Tzu Chi's recycling station so I could also exercise. "

In cultivating ourselves, we need to have faith that we can change our bad old ways and strive to make a difference.

"Wearing Tzu Chi's uniform, I couldn't do everything at will. I couldn't spit or smoke, either. There were so many things I couldn't do. But, later, I thought it was good because I could get rid of my bad habits bit by bit. "

If we have faith that we can  change our bad old ways, we'll take in true principles and rid ourselves of deviated or deluded thoughts. We'll be determined to eliminate any afflictions we give rise to and be understanding and forgiving when dealing with interpersonal issues and disputes and interacting with those who go against us on purpose.

Everyone, Tzu Chi is a cultivation ground of living bodhisattvas. We must find ways to pass on the Dharma to our future generations. We must share the Dharma whenever we can as the Dharma nurtures people's wisdom-life and is like water, which can cleanse away the defilements in people's hearts and minds. We live in a time when the Dharma is in decline, so we must work to make true Dharma widespread again. This is our shared responsibility.

May you often share Tzu Chi with people you meet and introduce to your friends what Tzu Chi has been doing to benefit people all around the world. We see how countless people who were in suffering have changed their mindsets thanks to a Dharma teaching that transformed their lives form hopelessness to hopefulness and vitality. Such is how the Dharma can benefit people.

So, everyone, it's my earnest wish that you can work diligently to spread the Dharma in this world full of turbidities and disasters. In this era when the Dharma is also in decline, we must vow to pass on the Buddha's teachings. We must take the Dharma to heart and share what we've learnt with whomever we meet.

By sharing the Dharma, we can purify people's hearts and minds because the Dharma is lie water that can nurture the fields of people's minds and encourage goodness to grow like sprouting a seed. And good seeds can sprout and grow into a Bodhi forest. May each one of you take in the Dharma and introduce the Dharma to more people through sharing, action, and example.

Bodhisattvas are like lotus flowers that bloom in muddy ponds. Lotus flowers beautify the ponds, and by absorbing nutrients from the muck, they bloom ever more beautifully. Similarly, our Tzu Chi volunteers seerve as living bodhisattvas in this world of suffering and learn from everyone they encounter so they can grow in wisdom. This is how the world of suffering can help us grow in wisdom.

So, may you all harbor correct views and seize time to learn the Dharma diligently so that you can take the Dharma to heart and bring the Dharma to others to create a world where the Dharma is widespread and to turn this world of impurities and turbidity into a pure land. May you all seize each moment every day as life is impermanent. We can lead meaningful lives as a life of depth and breadth is more important than having a long lifespan. Can you understand this? (Yes. )

Very well. Thank you all. May every Tzu Chi member around the world hear and understand what I've said. My sincere wishes to you all and may you cultivate diligently and grow in wisdom day by day.
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