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感恩各位教師為傳道.授業.解惑所做的努力與付出,讓我們得以得大智慧通達諸法。Very Happy 


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良師啊! 是你一顆,愛心關懷,燃亮了我。師恩浩蕩,齊頌讚歌,感激恩師,培育了我。

這是今早收到高老師奈普敦週刊, 封面後第一篇"良師之道'裡提到的"良師頌",
老師對於歌詞中用韓愈的師說: 師者,傳道、授業、解惑來作解釋, 原來是這麼的有深度.
第一次聽到這首歌, 很令人感動, 歌詞中感受到良師的偉大!
回想從小到現在, 感恩身旁出現的每個人, 都如良師般, 時而提點也時而給予善知識指引,
總能讓我在迷茫中找到方向, 讓我在困惑中遞上一杯智慧之水,
期許自己能將所得到愛與善的能量, 繼續延續直到永遠.

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文章總數 : 6980
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文章總數 : 715
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注冊日期 : 2009-04-17

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除了感恩, 更要收下高老師的祝福sunny 明知路遙遠, 但只要提起獅子勇猛精進心, 一定有機會到達!! 前幾天開教育功能團隊感恩會, 播放2009年2月19 日-人間菩提 上人對"教師培訓圓緣"開示"教育的使命", 特將此資料貼出與大家作互勉~能以身作則成為人師, 感恩大家!

人間菩提 - 2009/02/19 教育的使命Reflecting on the Mission of a Teacher

佛陀跟我們說的佛, 眾生與心, 三無差別, 人人心中都有跟佛陀平等的清淨的本性, 沒有污染的, 很透徹的智慧, 就如一面鏡子. 你只要把這一面鏡子擦乾淨, 這面鏡子它就可以把高山大地, 遼闊的大海, 都很清楚地攝入這一面清淨鏡子的鏡中裡. 就如我們的智慧也一樣啊! 只要凡夫心, 讓他淨化了, 天地萬物沒有一物含藏裡面的道理不清楚. 道理清楚了, 自然就回歸本性. 那就是回歸智慧. 可為與不可為會很清楚. 為什麼不可為而為之呢? 那就是這一面心鏡被污染了, 所以模糊掉了. 錯與對 不清楚, 所以 容易犯錯.

其實我們常常說, 修行就是要回歸與佛同等的清淨智慧. 回歸, 知道回歸那就是說我們本來既有的, 只是迷失掉了. 如何讓迷失的遊子, 讓他又引導歸來? 只要有這個引導的功夫, 那就可以把他引導歸來. 老師的責任就是要引導, 我們的很多孩子是懵懂. 我們要開啟這個懵懂的, 很不清楚的, 我們要把他們善誘回來, 好好地指導他 人生的方向. 所以我才會常常跟老師說, 沒有教不會的孩子, 只有不知道方法的老師. 你要如何去引導孩子能知迷途歸返, 這都是要看引導師.

就如佛陀來人間, 就是要引導眾生正確方向, 所以他叫做三界導師. 這三界裡面, 最會迷人的就是欲界. 在欲界裡, 是普遍的凡夫, 所以普遍的凡夫都是因為有欲念矇住了, 就像是灰塵一樣矇住了它. 所以會變成人生方向不知何從. 不過, 這都是在佛經裡面, 既然都是本有了, 為什麼孩子會懵懵呢? 那就是經過一生再一生, 每一生中在六道輪迴中, 他會一次再一次被污染. 他的意識裡面就已經不斷被污染了, 所以就會一生下來就懵懵懂懂. 所以現在既然有緣, 他就是你的學生, 他不知在幾世當中, 在六道輪迴中, 不知道輪了幾次了, 他的習性永存.

總而言之, 修行沒有別的, 就是要修正自己的習性. 總是我們要了解多少, 也都是要培養真正的用心, 走入了讀書的道路, 好書, 能培養你好的氣質, 好的習性. 可以引導你往正確的方向走. 假如你讀書, 讀到不該讀的, 也會把你導向那一種不正確的道路. 所以, 讀書要選擇好的書來讀. 教學 要選好的老師來教, 所以, 期待老師們, 我們都要有使命感, 我們既然為人師, 是很神聖的一件事情, 所以我們不只是為生活而教育, 我們要為教育而生活. 這才是有價值. 被尊敬的老師. 所以, 被尊敬的感覺真好.

像我常常跟醫生說, 你應該以搶救生命為你的使命, 不是為了賺錢當醫生, 是為救人當醫生. 這就是使命感. 老師也是一樣, 不是因為鐵飯碗而當老師, 永遠都不必怕沒飯吃, 不是喔! 是因為我們的使命, 選擇的是老師, 就是要教, 教學生. 這就是使命.

我選擇的是出家, 其實出家與世無爭就世安, 我怎麼去惹這麼多事情來做, 感覺到很不可思議. 不過, 佛陀為什麼他已經解脫了, 入涅槃了, 他靜寂清澄了, 為什麼還要來到這樣紛紛擾擾的娑婆世界呢? 他就是因為使命感, 為了娑婆世界的眾生多苦難, 所以他還要倒駕慈航. 觀世音菩薩也是倒駕慈航. 諸佛菩薩都是有願而來的.

所以, 同樣的道理, 老師們也是有願, 才會志願填老師, 志願喔! 志就是志業, 你甘願當老師喔! 所以這種的志願, 甘願當老師, 這就是使命. 你, 我都生在這樣很幸福的時代, 但是這樣有福的時代是不是永恆呢? 很難說. 因為成, 住, 壞, 空, 世間, 佛陀對我們講的道理, 當你的物質(享受)到達極高時, 那就是會墮落的時刻唷! 這都是我們要警惕的. 就如太陽在當空的時候, 就是要西下的時刻.

總而言之, 真的我們要把握在這個時代教育, 不只是要教孩子懂事, 懂理, 懂理又要懂事. 還要輔導家長如何來疼惜他的子女, 有不好的習性, 現在趕快改過來, 培養好的習性. 我們的習性好. 未來的有緣人更多, 大家重新再建設一個人間淨土. 這都是現在要培養的. 利用現代的資訊, 我們要好好把握這一個因緣. 在你的學生身上也無不都是經典. 請大家多用心在教育方向, 也吸引孩子跟家庭, 他們的一部經, 都可以互相教育. 但願人人以老師心, 菩薩心, 以父母心來看你的學生, 希望人人以身作則, 用你的身教來引導你的學生.

Lecturer: Master Cheng-Yan
Subject: T Reflecting on the Mission of a Teacher (教育的使命)
Date: Feb. 19, 2009

The Buddha teaches us that the essence of the Buddha, the mind, and living beings are one and the same. Every one of us has the same pure nature as the Buddha’s. Our pure nature, with its wisdom, is like a mirror. As long as we wipe clean the mirror, it’ll be able to reflect everything clearly, be it the land, the mountains, or the vast seas. From a clean mirror, we’re able to see everything very clearly. This is the same for our wisdom. As long as people’s minds can be purified, they’ll be able to understand the principle behind everything in this universe. When they can understand the principle, they’ll be able to return to their original, pure, true nature which is wisdom. With wisdom, they’ll be able to tell what’s the right thing to do and what’s not. Why do people do things that are wrong? It is because the mirror of their mind is tainted, so the images reflected in the mirror become blurry. As a result, they cannot see things clearly and therefore commit wrongdoings.

As we often say, spiritual cultivation is about rediscovering our wisdom that is as pure as that of the Buddha’s. By “rediscovering”, I mean that wisdom something that is innate in us except that we become deluded and have lost touch with it. Just like those who have gone astray, how do we make them return to the right path again? As long as we give them guidance, they’ll be able to come back to the correct path.

A teacher’s responsibility is to give guidance. There are many children who are lost and ignorant about life, so it is our duty as teachers to guide them to see and understand things clearly and lead them with patience and care, towards the right path in life. That is why I often tell teachers that there are no children that cannot be taught, only teachers who don’t know the right way to teach. How we guide children to find their way back onto the right track all depends on the teachers.

It is just like the Buddha coming to this world to guide living beings onto the correct path. That’s why he is also known as the teacher of the Three Realms. Of these the Desire Realm is the easiest to get lost and deluded in. Most mundane beings are in the Desire Realm and most of them are blinded by their desires, which is like dust impairing their vision. Because of this, they lose sight of life’s direction. However, since the sutras say that we are born with the pure Buddha-nature, why do children still become deluded and ignorant? That is because going from life and life in the cycle of reincarnation, people have accumulated many bad tendencies and these unwholesome tendencies have been stored in their consciousness. That is why we are born ignorant and deluded. Now that you have the karmic affinity to be your students’ teacher. We don’t know how many lifetimes, they have been through the cycle of rebirth, and how long they’ve carried these bad tendencies.

All in all, cultivation is ultimately about correcting our bd habitual tendencies. To learn, we will need to be very mindful in our learning and in our studies. Good books can guide us to nurture good temperament and good habitual tendencies and guide us towards the right path. If you study things that you ought not to study, it could guide you onto the incorrect path. So, we must choose good books to study and good teacher to teach. So, I hope that all you teachers can bear a sense of mission towards your work. Serving as a teacher is something very scared, so you must teach just to make a living, but make teaching your purpose. Only then will you be respected as a teacher. Being respected is a good feeling.

I often tell doctors that a doctor’s mission is to save lives. Being a doctor is not about earning money. It’s about saving people’s lives. That’s their mission. It’s the same for teachers too. We choose to be teachers not because of its job security but out of a sense of mission. We choose to be teachers because we want to educate students. This is to have a sense of mission.

For me, I chose to renounce they lay life. Renouncing the lay life is to not get entangled in worldly things. So why do get myself so involved in worldly matters? Even I find it unbelievable at times. But, it’s like the Buddha’s situation. He had already attained Nirvana, the ultimate state of peace and tranquility. Why did he come back into this world that is full of turmoil and delusion? It’s because of his sense of mission. For the sake of suffering beings in this world, the Buddha keeps coming back to this world to save them. Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva does the same too. So do all other Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.

Likewise, teachers also have aspirations and that’s why you chose to be a teacher. Because it is your aspiration, you will treat your job as your mission and will be willing to be a teacher. This aspiration and willingness to be a teacher is what gives you a sense or mission. You and I are very blessed to have been born into such an era of prosperity. However, will such favorable conditions last? It’s hard to say as the Buddha said that this world would undergo formation, continuation, decay, and annihilation, we enjoy the greatest material comforts also makes the beginning of our degeneration. We truly must be aware of all this. It’s just like now the sun reaches. Its highest point at midday at which time it begins to go down.

All in all, living in such an era, you truly must dedicate yourselves all the more to the mission of education by not only teaching children life’s principles and correct behaviors, but also guiding parents to love and care for their children in the right way so that they won’t spoil their children, but can help them change their bad habits and further guide them to develop good ones. By doing so, there will be more good people in the world, and everyone can work hand in hand to turn this world into a pure land. This is what we should work towards now. You must make good use of the resources you have and cherish this opportunity that you have. In fact, every students is a living sutra that you can learn from. Please be more mindful in guiding your students and in learning from these children and their families since they are like living sutras. You can all learn from each other. May every one of you guide your students with the heart of a teacher, a Bodhisattva and a parent. May every one of you lead and guide your students by way of example.

(Source: Da Ai TV Life Wisdom program)
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