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 20140411《靜思妙蓮華》一大事因緣 (第281集)

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注冊日期 : 2009-01-11

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20140411《靜思妙蓮華》一大事因緣 (第281集)
「所以者何?諸佛世尊,唯以一大事因緣故,出現於世。」《法華經 方便品第二》
《法華經 方便品第二》
《法華經 方便品第二》

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文章總數 : 402
來自 : 馬來西亞吉隆坡
威望 : 16
注冊日期 : 2013-10-04

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佛教, 以‘因緣’為精神宗旨。若是撥無因果*, 則無法可談。
我們因為與佛有緣, 才得以一起修習, 雖然彼此根機不一,
只要用心, 心若能清淨, 就可以明瞭佛理,

佛陀為「一大事因緣」現相於人間, 以身示教,
將所證悟的道理, 和寬廣無垠的智慧來度化眾生,
希望本具佛性的眾生, 能成就學佛機緣。

「一失人身, 萬劫難再」, 因此務必要顧好一念心,
精進不放逸, 以免惹來無明四散而又墮入輪迴,
所以, 要把握此生難得的學佛機緣。

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文章總數 : 29628
年齡 : 70
來自 : 台中
威望 : 1663
注冊日期 : 2009-01-11

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文章總數 : 968
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注冊日期 : 2009-04-25

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Explanations by Master Cheng-Yan
Subject: Causes and Conditions of the One Great Work (一大事因緣)
Date: April. 11. 2014

“The Buddha’s teachings are built upon the doctrine of causes and conditions. Therefore, the noble teachings of all Buddhas, from the simple to the profound, all the Dharma They expounded, are inseparable from causes and conditions.”

We have to understand that the Buddha’s teachings are built upon belief in causes and conditions. So, we always say we must “have faith” in the Buddha-Dharma and must never forget the law of karma. The law of karmic cause and effect holds the spirit of the Buddha’s teachings. If we denied the law of karma, there would be no teachings to speak of. So, “the Buddha’s teachings are built upon the doctrine of causes and conditions.
Therefore, the noble teachings of all Buddhas,” whether they are simple or profound, are inseparable from “causes and conditions”. So, we must place great importance on causes and conditions. Why were we born in this place, in this civilized and enjoyable place? Under the same sky and on the same earth, there are people living in poverty. This is due to the law of karma, due to how we created causes and conditions in the past. Naturally and without our control, we are following our causes and conditions. Our circumstantial and direct retributions determine [where we are born]. This is how the Buddha explains things to us. He wants to see whether everyone can understand the ultimate Dharma and thoroughly penetrate their Tathagata-nature. Everyone is equal to the Buddha, including us; we are also equal. This is the wondrous Dharma and the truth. We are all equal; we just have different karmic retributions. So, the Buddha comes to the world to give the noble teachings of all Buddhas and sages, from the simple to the profound.
Actually, both simple and profound teachings are inseparable from the law of karma. This is what the Buddha teaches. So, we must mindfully listen to and comprehend this because every teaching the Buddha gives is inseparable from causes and conditions.

As we said before, “this Dharma cannot be understood through deliberation and discrimination; only Buddhas alone can know it.”

The reason only Buddhas can understand it is because of Their causes and conditions. Is it possible for us to understand it? Actually, this just means that ordinary people cannot use their unenlightened intelligence to contemplate and understand it. So, “only Buddhas [can understand]” implies that we all intrinsically have Buddha-nature. If our Buddha-nature manifests, we will be able to understand it.
So, people can certainly understand it. He knows this; it is why He gives teachings. If nobody could understand it except Buddhas, then why would the Buddha come to this world to teach the Dharma?Then why would the Buddha come to this word to teach the Dharma?So, we must be mindful of this sutra passage.It is not only Buddhas who can understand, indeed, as long as our minds are pure, we can understand the ultimate principles of all things.We do this by returning to our Tathagata-nature.

So, the next section of the sutra states, “Why is this?All Buddhas, Would-Honored Ones, because of the causes and conditions of.Their one great work, manifested in this world.”

This is explaining that because ordinary people cannot understand it and only Buddhas can; Sakyamuni Buddha therefore comes to this world.He comes to guide ordinary people whose minds are covered by ignorance so that we can eliminate our ignorance and reveal our intrinsic Buddha-nature.The World-Honored One comes solely [to teach us this]; the causes and conditions of His one great work led Him to this world.
What is His “one great work”?In “one great work,” “one” means the ultimate reality of all things.Do you still remember this?What is the ultimate reality of all things?The pure Tathagata-nature.The ultimate principles and the ultimate reality can all be categorized under Tathagata-nature.This nature is extensive; therefore it is “great”.
The Buddha is replete with this ultimate reality a intrinsic nature of true Suchness.
Actually, this is also in each and every one of us.The Tathagata’s nature of wisdom is something we intrinsically have.This nature is indeed very extensive.Since it is so extensive, how can we ordinary people ever fathom it?To do so, we must thoroughly and mindfully return to our pure Tathagata-nature.Only then can we be awakened like the Buddha.
The universe is so vast it has no boundaries and cannot be expressed with numbers; thus it is really extensive.So, to say that it is “great” means it is of a magnitude that is truly and infinitely extensive and boundless.It encompasses all things in the universe.
All matters, objects and principles are included.So, this “one great work” is extensive by nature, therefore it is called “great”.
Coming to this world and transforming sentient beings is the Tathagata’s “work”.The one we now refer to as the Tathagata is Sakyamuni Buddha.Sakaymuni Buddha manifested being born in this world.He descended form Tusita Heaven and was born and grew up in the palace, and so on, and so on, eventually becoming enlightened and giving teachings until.He entered Parinirvana.This was His life from birth to Perfect Rest; this process spanned 80 years.
Thus, He transformed sentient beings by helping them understand the process of life.

One great work:
“One” refers to the ultimate reality.The nature [of the work] is extensive; therefore it is called “great”.Coming to this world to transform sentient beings is His “work”.

Throughout the Buddha’s life, He had to put His beliefs into practice. Whatever He believed, He would act accordingly. In His younger days, He felt that life was filled with contradictions. To break through those contradictions, the world’s discriminatory attitudes, He began to take action. So, He became a monastic and sought teachings, sought out different methods of spiritual practice. Then He focused and calmed His mind to search for the true principles of all things in the universe. These were the actions He took. His actions about fruit; thus He taught the Dharma to people in this world. Spending His entire life teaching really took a lot of work. Even though He attained Buddhahood, whether or not He could transform sentient beings still depended on causes and conditions.
So, the Buddha’s teachings are inseparable from causes and conditions. Causes and conditions connected Him with sentient beings, so He came to the Saha World to transform them. But sentient beings must also have causes and conditions [to learn].
Does everyone remember the story of how the Buddha wanted to transform the poor woman? It was not easy for Him! The poor woman had a connection with Ananda, so the Buddha could only point that out, “Ananda, this poor woman’s karmic connection is with you. It is you who must transform her.”
So, there was no karmic connection between the poor woman and the Buddha. Their connection was indirect, so Ananda had to guide her to accept the Buddha-Dharma. This was also due to causes and conditions.
Therefore, all sentient beings are endowed with this ultimate reality. Actually, they are just like the Buddha and are all endowed with ultimate reality and Tathagata-nature. I hope that you will always remember these teachings.

“Sentient beings are endowed with this ultimate reality, so they have the potential to connect with Buddhas. This is the cause. The Tathagata realized this ultimate reality and could thus transform sentient beings in response. This is the condition.”

We have repeated these verses the past few days. The ultimate true principle, the ultimate reality and the Tathagata-nature are the same. As it states here, “Sentient beings are endowed with this ultimate reality.” This means sentient beings are intrinsically endowed with true principles, ultimate reality and Tathagata-nature. Therefore, “they have the potential to “connect with Buddhas”. Because sentient beings have Buddha-nature, the Buddha comes to give teachings. Sentient beings definitely can become Buddhas. They intrinsically have Buddha-nature, but it has been covered by ignorance. So, the Dharma just teaches us ways to eliminate ignorance. If we can accept things and think clearly, naturally we will not, out of greed, anger or ignorance, create negative causes or form negative conditions. So, the Buddha taught us to guard against wrongdoings and stop evils.
We must not create more bad karma, and must eliminate our old bad karma. The Buddha knew that all sentient beings are endowed with this essential quality. Because “they have the potential, they have the right conditions. Sentient beings’ capabilities have their causes and conditions, which create the opportunity to be transformed. Thus, we can “connect with Buddhas”. He came to this world because sentient beings had the potential to connect with Him. Hence, this is known as the “cause”. Because all sentient beings have this “cause”, they have an opportunity [to learn]. So, the Buddha had the cause, the seed, for coming to this world. The condition comes from the karmic connection between Him and sentient beings of the Saha World.
Therefore, He is known as the Fundamental Teacher of the Saha World. This is the “cause.” “The Tathagata realized this ultimate reality.” Sentient beings are also replere with this ultimate reality, which the Tathagata had already realized. We are all endowed with it, but we have covered it with ignorance. However, the Buddha, the Tathagata, has dispelled His ignorance and clearly realized true peinciples.So, He has “realized this ultimate reality.”
He completely realized the true principles of all things in the universe. Therefore, “the Tathagata realized this ultimate reality and could thus transform sentient beings in response.” This means He could respond to sentient beings’ capabilities, so He came to this world to transform them. This formed the “conditions.”
Sentient beings and the Buddha share a cause; they have this opportunity, so they form a karmic connection. He responds to these causes and conditions, so the Buddha came to this world for the sake of sentient beings. Because of them, He manifested the appearance of engaging in spiritual practice, giving teaching and entering Parinivana.
So, [He manifested] the process of birth, aging, illness and death, as well as spiritual practice, teaching, Perfect Rest and so on, these are the cause and conditions [for His one great work.] He came to this world solely because of His cause and conditions with sentient beings.Therefore, all Budhas, “for the causes and conditions of”. “Their one great work, manifested in this world.”
Dear Bodhisattvas, to engage in spiritual practice. We must form Bodhisattva-aspirations. The Buddha truly believes that we all intrinsically have Buddha-nature. He has great faith in people, believing that as long as we can return to our pure intrinsic nature, we can be His equal He is one who speak the truth, one who does not speak falsely. Everyone teaching He gives is a true teaching meant to educate sentient beings.
Thus, the Buddha comes to this world because of the causes and conditions of this one great work. All of us should feel very fortunate; we have attained the rarely-attained human form. As for the rarely-heard Buddha-Dharma, we have the karmic connection with the Buddha to hear the teachings. After we listen to the Buddha-Dharma, we can them feel joy and be willing to practice and up hold it. This opportunity is not easily attained. So, we must seize this opportunity and not let these causes and conditions go to waste.
There is a saying “Once our human form is lost, it may take eons regain it.” So, we must carefully guard our minds, cultivate precepts, Samadhi and wisdom and listen, contemplate and practice. We must maintain our [spiritual aspirations], be diligent and never become indolent. Once we become indolent, our ignorance will spread everywhere. This negative cause and condition will cause to continuously transmigrate through the Six Realms. So, let us take advantage of this precious opportunity and these causes and conditions. We must truly always be mindful.

(Source: Da Ai TV – Wisdom at Dawn program – Explanation by Master Chen-Yen)
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20140411《靜思妙蓮華》一大事因緣 (第281集)

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