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 20141111深入苦地潤蒼生 Bringing Love and Care to People in Their Time of Need


文章總數 : 2528
威望 : 33
注冊日期 : 2012-11-03

20141111深入苦地潤蒼生 Bringing Love and Care to People in Their Time of Need  Empty
發表主題: 20141111深入苦地潤蒼生 Bringing Love and Care to People in Their Time of Need    20141111深入苦地潤蒼生 Bringing Love and Care to People in Their Time of Need  Empty周五 11月 21, 2014 9:28 am

20141111深入苦地潤蒼生 Bringing Love and Care to People in Their Time of Need

It floods often here, but this time is the worst. This is the worst in 60 years. In just a few minutes, the water came up. So, you knew something was wrong. Yes, but it was too late to run away. So, we went to the roof.

Every day, we need to cherish our time and fully make use of every second so we won’t idle our lives away emptily. Seeing what’s happening around the world, we can’t help but sigh. Take disasters for example. Natural or manmade, disasters give us a heavy heart. Last year, Typhoon Haiyan brought severe devastation to Tacloban, Philippines. Even now, the scenes of wreckage everywhere are still vivid in our minds.

In times of disaster, we need people to pool together their love to help those affected.

I told her to hang in there. Looks like my hug has inspired her.

Now, I’m an orphan. Joining Tzu Chi foundation as a volunteer helped me stay away from the bad influences in my environment. Here in Tzu chi Foundation, I’ve not only gained new friends, but also found a new family.

Now, the disaster areas have recovered and are full of vitality. It’s very touching to see how people of different religions worked together to rebuild the disaster areas and how the locals have changed. In the immediate aftermath of the disaster, many people rushed to the Philippines to bring aid and comfort to those affected, inspiring the goodness and love in many locals.

So, I believe that the local community and society will become a better place because people’s hearts have been united as one. We also see Haiti Earlier this month, days of heavy rains have caused severe flooding in many parts of Haiti Tzu Chi volunteers immediately mobilized to provide aid. As there are few Tzu Chi volunteers in Haiti, our volunteers called on the locals to help with our relief work.

I’m also very grateful to a priest for providing our volunteers with much help. Apart from giving out rice to those affected, our volunteers also brought them something that deeply moved their hearts as they’ve never seen it before. At a time like this, this was a precious gift to them Tzu Chi’s portable beds.

As of now, some areas are still flooded while others are covered in mud. Many locals are poor to begin with, so their houses are shabby and run-down. Due to the heavy rains this time, many houses have been flooded and damaged. So, when the priest explained to everyone that the portable beds are a gift from Tzu chi and taught them how to use the beds, there were a thunder of applause and cheers that continued for a long time.

Everyone was very happy that they could finally have a clean, dry and comfortable bed to sleep on that night. If we can put ourselves into their shoes, we’ll feel their plight. With muddy water everywhere and everything being soaked and damp, how are we going to sleep at night and live every day like that? Now, with our portable beds set high up on their muddy grounds, they can finally have a clean place to sleep on.

Up to this day, the waters in some lowland areas haven’t receded yet. So, some people simply moved to their roof floors. This disaster has made their already harsh lives even more difficult. It’s good that our volunteers have given them our portable beds. In fact, these portable beds were intended for a hospital in Haiti, which is in very poor conditions. Seeing this hospital, my heart goes out to the patients there.

So, we shipped a cargo container of portable beds to Haiti, so patients in the hospital can use them. But because the hospital is in shabby conditions, it is now undergoing reconstruction. So, we gave out these beds to those who have been affected by the flooding this time. As they had never received something like this before, they gave a thundering applause and cheered with joy.

Everyone was very happy. Seeing that, those of us in Taiwan should be reminded to count our blessings and give of ourselves with a sincere heart. We also see the Syrian refugees in Turkey. Due to the disharmony in some people’s hearts, a civil war broke out in Syria, forcing many people to flee to other countries. Amony the Syrian refugees in Turkey, many are well-educated and had high social status in Syria.

Unfortunately, due to the unrest in their country, they had no choice but to flee to Turkey. So, Tzu chi volunteers are doing all they can to help them. Last weekend, our volunteers gave out blankets to them. See how an 11-yeart-old Syrian boy also lent a hand to our volunteers. How endearing he is. Although these Syrians have been affected by a manmade disaster, Tzu Chi volunteers have reached out to them to gring them love and warmth.

Seeing that, I’m very moved and grateful. Everyone, wherever there are people in need, we must go there to give with love. There are indeed many disasters in the world. So, what our world needs now is a stream of purity and a force of love. To create such a world, we need to work harder.

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20141111深入苦地潤蒼生 Bringing Love and Care to People in Their Time of Need

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